Nikolai I. Vorobyov

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor,

Candidate of Legal Sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Academy of Natural History, associate member of Russian Municipal Academy. Chair of Tambov Oblast Election Commission in 1993–2003, member of Research and Methodology Council of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in 2003 – 2010, member of Science and Expertise Council of the CEC of Russia in 2018–2020. Having headed legal science departments at various universities, Mr. Vorobyov continues his work in science, academia and education. His academic experience includes participation in international and all-Russian conferences as well as parliamentary hearings on legislative and legal issues. He is also the author of multiple textbooks, research papers and commentaries to federal laws.

Elections and the Pandemic

Grishin N.V., Korgunyuk Yu.G., Nadezhdin B.B., Buzin A.Yu., Bainova M.S., Bocharov Yu.B., Vorobyov N.I., Elaev A.A., Pokrovskaya O.L.

Candidate and party list registration through voter signature collection

Balabanova O.V., Bolshakov I.V., Buzin A.Yu., Vorobyov N.I., Grezev A.V., Evstifeev R.V., Kiselyov K.V., Klyga A.A., Kovin V.S., Kryzhov S.B., Molchanov O.A., Nesterov D.V., Pokrovskaya O.L., Raczynski S.Z., Rybin A.V., Titov M.V., Fedin Ye.V., Khudolei D.M.

The Issues of Annulling Vote Returns and Election Results

Brikulsky I.A., Buzin A.Yu., Khudolei D.M., Vorobyov N.I., Elaev A.A., Shablinsky I.G., Titov M.V., Pokrovskaya O.L., Rybin A.V., Balabanova O.V.