Natalia V. Shavshukova

Psychologist, expert on local self-government,

Graduate of Moscow State University, Russian Academy of State Service majoring in state and municipal management. She holds an MBA from Moscow International Business School MIRBIS. In 2004, she was elected deputy to the Deputy Council of Levoberezhny District of Moscow. In 2012, she initiated a School of New Government project at the Civic Initiatives Committee (an institution for educating future municipal deputies; in 2014, the project was restructured under the name “School of Local Self-Government”). In 2021–2022, Natalia Shavshukova became part of the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program, and is studying the patterns of centralization resistance and the Polish experience of developing local self-government at the University of Warsaw.

The Distinctive Nature of Local Governments and Municipal Elections

Chernikov V.A., Shavshukova N.V., Kiselyov K.V., Cherepanova A.F., Cherepanova K.F., Rusakova Ye.L., Shapiro L.V., Balabanova O.V., Kryzhov S.B., Kovin V.S.