Artyom A. Klyga

Public law specialist, head of legal matters at Dubravsky Consulting,

Practicing public lawyer (constitutional and municipal law, electoral law and process, administrative law, etc.), member (with a deciding vote) of the territorial election commission for Moscow's Obruchevsky District, head of legal matters at Dubravskiy Consulting. He holds a Bachelor's degree in law from RUDN University (2019) and a Master's degree in law from HSE University (2021). Artyom Klyga has a Telegram channel called "Local Issues" where he writes about local self-government.

Candidate and party list registration through voter signature collection

Balabanova O.V., Bolshakov I.V., Buzin A.Yu., Vorobyov N.I., Grezev A.V., Evstifeev R.V., Kiselyov K.V., Klyga A.A., Kovin V.S., Kryzhov S.B., Molchanov O.A., Nesterov D.V., Pokrovskaya O.L., Raczynski S.Z., Rybin A.V., Titov M.V., Fedin Ye.V., Khudolei D.M.