June 22, 2024, 9:34 a.m.

Editor's Note

Editor's Note

Dear colleagues and friends,
The eleventh (first in 2024) issue of our journal includes three papers, a virtual roundtable discussion and two book reviews.
The issue starts with a paper by Ivan Brikulsky, where he considers issues related to remote e-voting (REV) from the perspective of constitutional law. The approaches developed by the author can be used to analyze other aspects of electoral law and even beyond.
The virtual round table and two papers dwell on the issue of candidate registration through voter signatures, which once again thrust to the fore during the election campaign for the Russian presidential election. The virtual roundtable discussion has 18 election experts (lawyers and political scientists) discuss whether the current regulation of the processes of collecting and verifying voter signatures is in line with the stated objectives and how the situation can be remedied.
This subject is further explored in papers by Vitaly Kovin and Arkadii Lyubarev. Kovin's paper proposes to expand the scope of the discussion and consider alternative options for voters to support nominated candidates and parties as public, demonstrative and open procedures. Lyubarev's paper summarizes the discussion and concludes that the relevant section of the electoral legislation is in need of comprehensive revision.
The issue closes with two book reviews. Stanislav Andreichuk reviews an English-language book on political party financing in the post-Soviet space, which is edited by Fernando Bertoa and Levan Tsutskeridze. Yuri Korgunyuk reviews a newly published book by Alexander Kynev and Arkadii Lyubarev, which presents an overview of political parties and elections in Russia over the last 15 years.
We hope the new issue will further secure the journal’s status in academic circles and the pool of topics and authors will continue to expand.