Rules for authors

Electoral Politics is international electronic scientific journal dedicated to various aspects of elections and election-related topics (referendum, political parties). The journal focuses on the elections in countries that have recently engaged in democratic development, and comparative studies.
Manuscripts are accepted in English or Russian. The volume of a paper can be from 15 to 60 thousand characters, including spaces. Manuscripts outside these limits can be accepted in agreement with the editors.
The manuscript should contain the title, information about author, abstract, keywords, main text and references.
A short biography of the author (no more than 1000 characters, including spaces) and his/her photo is also required.
The volume of an abstract can be from 100 to 250 words. Keywords can be from 5 to 10.
Illustrations should be in separate .jpg or .png files.
Each table must be represented as a separate .xlsx file.
Complicated formulas must be represented separately in the TeX format.
Footnotes (other than citation) are not allowed.
Citation in the text are issued as follows: in square brackets you should put the name of the author or two authors (if there are more than two authors, the first author is specified and followed «et al.»; for collectors the first two words of the title is specified), through the space the year of issue is noticed, after a colon the page a number (page numbers with a hyphen) is specified if necessary; multiple citations are separated by semicolons.


References should be presented in alphabetical order.
If the source has a DOI, it should be specified at the end of the bibliographic description.
In the description of books the surname and initials of authors, title of book, place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication, total number of pages should be listed.
In the description of papers, published in scientific journals, the surname and initials of authors, paper title, journal title, year of publication, volume (if available) and number of the issue, range of pages should be listed, for online publications, URL and date of access should be also listed.
For descriptions of the papers in the collection, the surname and initials of authors, title of article, book or series, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page range should be given, for online publications, URL and date of access should be also given.
All information about works in Russian should be transliterated into English in accordance with the rules of transliteration. The title of the article and the title of the book are additionally translated into English.
1. Books
In a text: [Myagkov et al. 2009].
References: Myagkov M., Ordeshook P.C., Shakin D. The Forensics of Election Fraud: Russia and Ukraine. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2009. 289 p.
2. Collections
In a text: [The Routledge Handbook… 2018: 11–20].
References: The Routledge Handbook of Elections, Voting Behavior, and Public Opinion / Ed. by J.Fisher, E.Fieldhouse, M.N.Franklin, R.Gibson, M.Cantijoch, C.Wlezien. Routledge, 2018.
3. Periodical papers.
In a text: [Turovsky 2005].
References: Turovsky R.F. Kontseptualnaya elektoralnaya karta postsovetskoi Rossii [A conceptual electoral map of post-Soviet Russia]. – Politiya. 2005. No.4(39). P. 161–202. (In Russ.)
4. If the references lists several works by one author for the same year, the letter (a, b, c) should be ascribed to the year.
In a text: [Golosov 2016а: 367; Golosov 2016b: 246].
References: Golosov G.V. Why and how electoral systems matter in autocracies. – Australian Journal of Political Sciences. 2016a. V. 51. No. 3. P. 367–385.
Golosov G.V. Factors of party systems nationalization. – International Science Politic Review. 2016b. V. 37. № 2. P. 246–260.
5. Paper from the collection
In a text: [Petrov, Titkov 2000].
References: Petrov N., Titkov A. Regionalnoe izmerenie vyborov [Regional election measurement]. – Rossiya v izboratelnom tsikle 1999–2000 godov [Russia in the 1999–2000 electoral cycle]. M.: 2000. P. 231–356. (In Russ.)
6. Research posted on the Internet
In a text: [Lyubarev 2018].
References: Lyubarev A. Itogi monitoringa izbiratelnykh kampanii 2012-2017 godov [The results of monitoring the 2012-2017 election campaigns]. – The official site of the Civic Initiative Committee, 11.01.2018. URL: (accessed 10.05.2018). (In Russ.)