Specialist in e-voting systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, [email protected]
A graduate of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, he is heading of the e-voting systems department there. His experience working in elections includes precinct election commission observation, precinct/territorial election commission member with the consultative vote (including remote e-voting TECs). He was part of the team responsible for developing digital vote count system for South Korea as well as developed KOIB-2017 for the CEC of Russia. Viktor Tolstoguzov is a member of a working group on digital voting at the Civic Chamber of Moscow.
Ovchinnikov B.V., Buzin A.Yu., Reut O.Ch., Kuznetsov D.A., Nesterov D.V., Rybin A.V., Tolstoguzov V.L., Fedin Ye.V., Isavnin A.A.